Equipment used in the Dig Out Your Soul sessions

A note on the equipment used during the recording sessions at Abbey Road Studios and The Village Recorder, Los Angeles for Oasis’s seventh and final studio album, Dig Out Your Soul

“For the recording sessions at Abbey Road (they did guitar and vocal overdubs at The Village Recorder in L.A.) they used the EMI TG1 console as well as Sardy‘s own Neve console and Noel’s Neve console, which they both brought to the sessions. They ran all the nice Abbey Road mics through preamps (they rented “every” mic preamp available in London at the time) and then to Pro Tools. They used Abbey Road’s Neve VR for monitoring only.

Sardy worked hard on getting the sound which he wanted in the room by putting the right mics in the right places. Liam’s vocals were mainly recorded with a Shure SM7 (“Liam has one of the loudest voices I ever heard!”) and a Neve preamp. Sometimes, for softer songs, they used a Neumann U47 or a Shure Bullet 520 DX. After the preamp an old LA2A and into Pro Tools. Sardy used Apogee Big Ben clock with 24bit/88.2kHz.

For the mixing sessions they moved to L.A. at The Village Recorder. There they used the 76-channel Neve 8048 console and loads of outboard. For compression: LA3-A, 1176, TG. For limiters: Urei 175, RCA BA6A, Collins compressor & limiters. But he said he did not do much with compression, EQ, and effects during mixing as he always wants to capture the sound when recording. Therefore mixing is more about getting the balance right. For vocal effects he used a Watkins Tape-Delay and the Roland Space Echo or the Shadow Digital Copycat. The record was mixed to 1/2“ tape Ampex ATR at 30 ips.”

(Originally posted by Leezy of the Live4ever Oasis forum; quoted on Oasis Recording Info 2012).